ALS零售课程优惠 – 简单实惠的澳洲长期签证
Why study Retail at ALS ?
ALS零售证书课程 Certificate in Retail 长期签证的好选择
你可以从Certificate I 开始学习。由于Certificate I 相当于澳洲高中水平的课程, 因此你不需要先考英语就可以直接报读。
灵活的课程安排 轻松的功课
课程以在线电脑课程完成作业为主。 Certificate I-III 的课程内容都不难,功课的难度也不大,很适合英语初级学者参与学习。
你可以选择报读Certificate I – III 课程,总课程长度达97周,将近2年的学生签。
如果你想要延长你的学生签,你可以选择继续报读Certificate IV客户管理课程(63周和Diploma of Business 商务文凭课程(54周)。
ALS Promotion
Retail certificate I ~III (2年) 总计 $9,000
Retail certificate I ~III (2年) + Certificate VI of Customer Engagement (63周) 約3.5年 总计 $15,300
Retail certificate I ~III (2年) + Certificate VI of Customer Engagement (63周) + Diploma of Business (54周) 约5年 总计 $20,700
Retail 课程內容
Work safely
Organise personal work requirements
Work effectively in a service environment
Communicate in the workplace to support team and customer outcomes
Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks
Advise on products and services
Contribute to workplace health and safety
Communicate in the workplace to support team and customer outcomes
Organise personal work requirements
Work effectively in a service environment
Engage the customer
Identify and respond to security risks
Use business technology
Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems
Advise on food products and services
Show social and cultural sensitivity
Use digital technology for simple workplace tasks
Sell to the retail customer
Contribute to workplace health and safety